Monday, March 2, 2009

So, a friend got on to me today about not having blogged in three moths. You wanna know what came to mind?
I didn't actually say that (even though I thought it), what I did say was that my life must too boring to blog about often!

Anyway, now that I'm done with the intro, let me update you on somethings. My job's going good, but I don't get too many hours so saving towards my future car is slow. And I mean, REALLY slow! Of course, it doesn't help that I've gotten called off a couple times recently cause of the weather. But I digress. I am also currently hoping for a job at Rue 21, which would be ABSOLUTELY amazing!!

Other than that, not much is going on... Oh! I almost forgot! Apparently, a good friend of mine is transferring schools!! And so now, I'm practically alone... except for ONE friend! I mean, I know I'll see her at church, but c'mon!! The school year's almost done! I think she's trying to get away from me, but doesn't want to hurt my feelings!

Uh-oh. I better go now. I need to try to find something to eat before I head off to work tonight. Well, talk to ya whenever something exciting happens!

And, to my friend who's tranferring (you know who you are), I'm just kidding! You know I luv ya bunches!!!!