Sunday, February 7, 2010

So, this is sad. I pretty much FORGOT I had a blog until Ruthie mentioned blogs today in church, so I thought I'd get on and post something. Didn't realize that the last time I posted one was May of last year!!! Hehe, oops!
Anyway, I guess I should update everyone since it's been so long. Ummmm, where to begin? I got a car last summer, I think, can't remember exactly when it was. Still work at Dairy Queen, unfortunately, but I've been trying a lot harder to get a new job. Also, my mom told me the other day about a place that's looking for a part-time sales associate, which would be perfect for me.
It's my last year of high school, and we've already got my senior pictures done and over with. (woot woot)
As of right now, I'm in Driver's Ed, and I only have two more weeks of driving left and about a month of class. It's Monday and Thursday nights 6:15-8:45 pm. My partner and I drive every Sunday 12-2, which means I have to leave church service a little bit early every week, but, like I said, only two more weeks.
Anyway, that's all the updates I can think of right now. I'll try to remember to keep you posted a lot more often, but for now...

*Peace, Love, & TH*